Netzwerkstelle für Genderforschung und -lehre
phone: Verena Stange: 0345 5521 827
phone: Julia Ritter: 0345 5521 448
room 327 (3. OG, Aufzug und Beschilderung vorhanden/lift and signage
Dachritzstr. 12
06108 Halle
Sprechzeit (telefonisch und in Präsenz):
Donnerstags von 10-12 Uhr, sowie nach Vereinbarung, auch via WebEx
postal address:
06099 Halle
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Network unit for gender research and teaching
The gender*bildet network office initiates, organises, networks and analyses. Its aim is to anchor gender and queer studies in teaching and research and to support their deconstructive potential at all levels of the university.
On our website you can find among other things informations about our offers, the certificate gender-studies and us as a network office.