Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Logo HRK Initiative Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen

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Along with 32 other universities, the University of Halle receives funding as part of the initiative "Diversity at German Universities" of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The MLU project is entitled "Making Diversity Visible - Experiencing Diversity - Reducing Discrimination Risks" and was conceived by the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office.

On this website you will find current news about the project. More information about the project can be found here.

June 05, 2024:
Further training: Playfully raising awareness of diversity

Time: 1-4 p.m.Location: Universitätsring 5, Anhalter Zimmer
Target group: MLU teaching staff
Language: German

At MLU, not only many but also diverse people interact with each other every day. This diversity of perspectives, skills and experiences is an enrichment for our university and a basis for excellent research and teaching. The prerequisite for this is sensitivity to discrimination.
In 2023, MLU's Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office developed the attractive interactive game "Who will be a professor?" as part of the "Diversity at German universities" initiative of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this game, the players, as fictional characters, go through the path from Bachelor's degree to professorship - and encounter situations that help and hinder them based on randomly distributed diversity characteristics. The complex topic of discrimination is thus brought to life in a playful way and interest is aroused for further discussion. Fear of contact can be reduced, invisible hurdles and challenges can be experienced and a change of perspective can be encouraged. As part of the training, you will be introduced to the game, play it together and learn how you can use it in your everyday teaching.

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29. April 2024:
Journalistischer Beitrag "Freude am Spiel und strategischem Denken"

Auf der Webseite der HRK wurde ein journalistischer Beitrag zum Projekt der Uni Halle veröffentlicht.

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April 22-25, 2024:
Promoting diversity! Closing event of the "Diversity at German universities" initiative


The funded universities will present their projects and their results over a total of four event days. Together with national and international experts, various perspectives on the topic of "diversity at universities" will also be examined and strategies and necessary framework conditions for creating sustainable diversity structures will be discussed:

  • What is the current status quo of diversity efforts in the university context - at national level as well as internationally?
  • What are the challenges and potentials of promoting diversity at universities?
  • How can the initiated measures be anchored within the universities in the long term?

The University of Halle will present its results on April 24 at 2:30 pm.

All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. Registration is possible here   .

April 06, 2024:
Presentation of the game "Who will be a professor?" at the University Information Day

Spiel WWP? auf dem HIT 2024 (Foto: MLU / Sabine Wöller)

Spiel WWP? auf dem HIT 2024 (Foto: MLU / Sabine Wöller)

Time: 10-15 h
Location: University Square (in presence)
Target group: Prospective students and interested members of the public

At the University Information Day (HIT), the open day of the University of Halle, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg presents more than 240 interesting and diverse study programs in lectures and at information stands. Teaching staff, students, study ambassadors, service points and student advisors will be on hand to provide first-hand information. The Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office will also be represented with an information stand. As part of the "Diversity at German Universities" initiative of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), it has developed the interactive game "Who will be a professor?". Interested parties can play it for the first time at the information stand and not only win prizes, but also learn a lot about diversity, discrimination risks and support structures at universities.

Info website "More diverse than you think"

Illustration Lion (MLU / Louie Läuger)

Illustration Lion (MLU / Louie Läuger)

The game "Who will be a professor?" has been developed and designed in collaboration with Louie Läuger and the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office. Production of the game components is planned for January 2024. Illustrations and animations for an e-learning course have also been created in collaboration with Louie Läuger. This is to be presented to the university public in the first half of 2024. You can find initial insights and further information on the info website "More diverse than you think":

Internal workshop "Thinking diversity and equal opportunities for the future - implementing intersectionality - sharpening diversity perspectives".

Location: University of Halle (Steintor Campus)

The interest groups and initiatives of employees and students that exist at Martin Luther University on various dimensions of diversity were invited to the workshop. Despite the short notice of the invitation, over 30 people actively participated. The workshop was moderated by Anne-Katrin Schlobach.

In the first part of the workshop dealt with the current status of the draft university development plan which was presentetd by Rector Prof. Dr. Becker. They took the opportunity to ask questions.

In a second step, working groups were formed on the main topics:

  • Ethnicity/anti-racism
  • Family justice
  • Gender equality
  • Inclusion
  • Sustainable development

On the one hand, they developed expectations regarding the content and structur of the university development plan. On the other hand, the relation between the draft of the university development plan and existing strategies, objectives and measures as well as development perspectives with reference to the diversity dimensions were examined.

The presentations of the working groups showed clear overlaps in the results. All working groups identified the diversity dimensions as cross-cutting issues. They underlined the importance of embedding them in university's planning, decision-making, implementation and monitoring processes as continuous processes, as well as ensuring adequate resources.

In order to insert the results of the workshop into the current university development plan process, they were approved and some of the participants were mandated to present the results at the next Senate session on 8 November 2023.

The presentation of the results to the Senate led to two assignments: On the one hand, the participants were able to contribute to the a part on diversity dimensions as cross-cutting topics in the university development plan with their working groups. On the other hand, they were given the opportunity to comment on the wording of the university development plan released by the Academic Senate on 6 December 2023. These processes are supported by the workshop participants and coordinated by the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office.

Preparatory workshop Diversity and Equal Opportunity Unit

Location: Bildungshaus Schönburg

The second workshop as part of the HRK project took place on September 14th and 15th 2023. It was used as a preparatory workshop by the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Unit for the further process.  The externally moderated workshop focussed on the cooperation between the employees of the unit and the embedding of the unit in the university.  
The workshop made it possible to reflect on the work of the unit since its establishment and the development of the topics represented. This was accompanied by a reflection on the breadth of the topics and the current work priorities, and interfaces and interface partners were specifically named.
As a result, the following points were identified as common challenges:

  • Thematic and content-related focussing in the staff unit and coordination
  • Self-perception and external perception of the staff unit
  • Communicating the tasks and roles of the staff unit
  • Cooperation with the university management
  • Organising internal cooperation.
    In addition, the following sub-steps provided starting points for creating synergies:
  • Clarify the relationship between the topics/projects
  • Exchange on strategic points - identification
  • Making better use of shared experience and knowledge - Identifying needs
    Three working groups developed specific sub-goals and proposed measures, which were concretised following the workshop in the fourth quarter of 2023. The implementation of some measures has started.
Gruppenfoto Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit (September 2023)

Gruppenfoto Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit (September 2023)

Collaboration with Louie Läuger

Louie Läuger 
[Image description: Photo of Louie Läuger. Louie Läuger wears a colorful shirt, has short hair and looks directly into the camera. At shoulder level there are yellow illustrations of flowers and stars. In the background, colored in dark blue, there are various illustrations hanging on a wall.]

Louie Läuger [Image description: Photo of Louie Läuger. Louie Läuger wears a colorful shirt, has short hair and looks directly into the camera. At shoulder level there are yellow illustrations of flowers and stars. In the background, colored in dark blue, there are various illustrations hanging on a wall.]

As part of the funded initiative, MLU is developing interactive games and an e-learning format including an animated info film. We are very pleased that we were able to win Louie Läuger for the illustration, animation and layout of these formats.

Louie Läuger's work is situated in the niche between illustration, education and feminism, dealing with social justice issues and combining these heavy or scary topics with a playful and light-hearted style – and is therefore a perfect match for developing our innovative awareness formats!

[ Website Louie Läuger]   

[ Instagram Louie Läuger]   

15. and 29.06.2023:
Internal workshops on the topic of diversity monitoring

Location: University of Halle

A comprehensive presentation and analysis of established and non-established diversity perspectives is not yet available at MLU. The starting point for this can be the previous experiences in gender controlling and the existing reporting obligations of the university. Themes must be addressed on how to deal with quantitative surveys and their informative value for the needs of marginalized or previously excluded groups, as well as other points of reference. The second focus should be the procedure for identifying missing diversity perspectives and the search for possible points of reference.

The first part of the internal workshop took place on June 15, 2023. Participants were the head of the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Unit, the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Officer, the Inclusion Officer, the Prevention and Counselling Unit for Anti-Discrimination, the Family Office and the Gender Controlling Officer. The workshop was moderated by Judith Portius (corporate health management). The workshop was continued on June 29, 2023.

06.–07. Juni 2023:

Location: Science Center Bonn

Group photo kickoff workshop
[In front of a building, the workshop participants and the workshop leader are standing and smiling into the camera. In the background are rollups of the HRK and the Initiative].

Group photo kickoff workshop [In front of a building, the workshop participants and the workshop leader are standing and smiling into the camera. In the background are rollups of the HRK and the Initiative].

On June 6-7, 2023, the kickoff workshop of the initiative "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen" took place at the Science Center in Bonn. One representative from each of the funded universities took part in the kickoff and networking meeting. Sabine Wöller, Head of the Prevention and Counseling Center for Anti-Discrimination, was present for the University of Halle.

Logo BMBF Funding

Logo BMBF Funding

The 'Initiative Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen' of the HRK is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding code 01FP22V01. The project is part of the initiative.

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Logo HRK
[Image description: On a white background is written in dark red "HRK" next to it is written in black "Hochschulrektorenkonferenz" and below it "Die Stimme der Hochschulen"]

Logo HRK [Image description: On a white background is written in dark red "HRK" next to it is written in black "Hochschulrektorenkonferenz" and below it "Die Stimme der Hochschulen"]
